Also, someone bought my collage at the Southern Exposure auction! Hooray! I was really excited because I'm pretty sure no one there knew who I was. The theme for the event was "optic illusion" so of course there was a 3d Sigfried and Roy movie playing in the back room along with some other more mechanical optical illusion machines. Awesome! See:
Channing and I started a band. It's called Craig Party USA, and it's really more musical theatrey than bandy since neither of us really play instruments and the one song we've been slavishly rehearsing is very story and costume-based. We might be playing a show soon. Maybe.
We have lots of visitors coming in the next few weeks! It's nice living in a place that people want to visit. Hopefully they will still want to visit again after being asked what drugs they want to buy 18 times every time they exit our apartment and seeing approximately 2 dudes peeing in the street per day. In case you didn't know, our neighborhood isn't the best.
Also coming soon: Special Edition Dreamboat DVDs with amazing special features and behind the scenes footage! Hooray!
Dreamboat is going to play at an owl-themed extravaganza in Kansas City. I don't know any facts about this, but if you're in KC you should ask me to find out about it and I probably can. Maybe it already happened? I don't know.
Cabinet just came in the mail!!! I ordered my subscription like 3 months ago, and this is the first issue I've gotten because it's totally quarterly. Best magazine ever! Now I get to read it! Bye!