Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Video Under Volcano

I'm so excited! Snowfakes got accepted to a screening at a museum in Italy! It's the Casoria Museum of Contemporary Art in Naples, and the screening is next Friday. So I guess if you're in Naples you should stop by. I might be doing a brief interview at the screening via Skype, which is also exciting/scary.

After the screening my video (and the 30 others that were selected from almost 300 entries) becomes part of the museum's permanent collection. So maybe someday I can go to Italy and maybe my video will be on display there. I'm so excited, as I haven't ever been involved in anything so fancy. And, as a person who is constantly visiting museums, I have always wanted my own work to one day be in one. So now my dream has come true, but luckily it is easily replaced by other dreams.