Thursday, November 6, 2008

Beaver Background Update

They are done! Almost. I just have to adjust the length when I get the actual song from my dear friend Keith. Here is a preview dam:

And they're stop-motion backgrounds, so there are 300 more just like that but slightly different. Exciting, huh? Also, logs. Whatever. 

Next step is Beaver Puppet! I don't have any idea how to make a beaver puppet, which means this is the kind of project that I want to do most. I like the ones with thinking. 

I'm tired. 

I spent almost three hours going grocery shopping today. Most of that was getting to and from the store, and most of that was because I decided to walk two miles to the train instead of waiting for the bus. Too bad the store I like is in San Francisco. Usually I don't make the trek, I just suck it up and go to the store where Channing got called stupid by the cashier for buying organic toothpaste. But today I had nothing to do, so I spent all day going to the store to get bulk spices and loose tea. Also, we got our CSA box yesterday so I've been planning menus to use all the foods that I don't usually eat. This is partly why we joined the CSA, so we would be forced to break out of our ruts of getting the same vegetables every time we went shopping. This week's box had broccoli, broccoli raab, bok choi, salad mix, onions, pomegranate, butternut squash, and tokyo turnips. Our plan worked, because the only things in there that we would usually buy are onions and pomegranates. I would get broccoli, but someone who I live with and eat with at nearly every meal refuses to eat it without making gagging faces. Unfortunately it turns out that this plan is also a lot of work what with the finding recipes and shopping for extra ingredients and cooking the food and everything. I guess it's worth it, but sometimes it seems like I spend more energy making the food than I get from eating the food. 


shaqtonight said...

dude broccoli is my favorite

Rachel said...

Do you get a little card that tells you what everything is in your vegetable box or do you have to google it? I'm pretty sure there are veggies out there that I couldn't identify if I tried.

emilyaldenfoster said...

I know, I don't know what Channing's problem is.

And yes, they put a newsletter in the box. Plus, since this is the future, they post what's going to be inside the box on the website the day before you get it.

It's interesting that in a way this is a very old fashioned way of eating (fresh vegetables from a farm) but I have to use the internet so much in order to understand how to do it. I have to look up lots of things just to figure out what they are, and then I have to look up recipes for lots of other things that I've just never cooked before.

Mab Widdershins said...

Channing doesn't eat broccoli? It's the only vegetable that his sister does eat, so maybe they cancel each other out. Or maybe he should dip it in chocolate fondue (and Becca should stop doing that).