In case you are afraid of using PayPal, don't have a mailbox, and live in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Cross My Words and Hope to (Verb) zine is now available at several stores for your shopping convenience.
Issues in Oakland has an amazing array of magazines, including my zine!
Dog Eared Books in San Francisco has a tiny zine section, so mine should be relatively easy to find. They also have a large selection of new and used books.
More locations are coming soon, but if you're reading this you should probably just click below to buy a copy, so some strangers can purchase them from the store.
Oh, and I don't have any totally subjective reviews yet, but here's what some of the contributors are saying:
"I got the zine in the mail the other day, and I just wanted to say I think it's fantastic. It looks really well made (the binding is great). And of course the content is excellent as is the concept." - Keith Ecker
"How does it work? I didn't read the instructions yet." - Rachel Weiner
"The Zine is amazing!" - Jacqueline Suskin
"The brilliance of this zine is that it forces the owner’s hand from passive to active involvement. You can’t read the stories as they’re intended until you solve the crossword and fill in the blanks. And once that’s done, you can re-blank the blanks and get a friend to fill them in without context, perhaps while riding in the back of a car. This zine is an instant toolkit to becoming both an artist and a friend, two of the highest forms of collaboration ever conceived." - Channing Kennedy
Get a copy and let me know what you think!