Thursday, October 21, 2010

Shamelessly Asking for Money!

Hey guess what! I am poor! Hooray! Just kidding, actually I just recently found out that I need some money to pay for my final semester of library school. Usually I have grants that pay for most of it, but since I'm part time next semester I won't qualify for those. And since there's a cap on the number of credits I can take I can't not be a part time student. So it's technically possible for me to pay for this entire semester with a credit card, but I really don't want to do that! So I figured out that if each of my facebook friends donates $11.05 it will pay for my semester! Here is a button:

You can help me! I can pay you back if you want, but not with interest, which is the only reason that would be better than using my credit card. And I can send you a variety of prizes and stuff from my house! Any amount is appreciated.

And by the way, I will have a movie update next week.


Mab Widdershins said...

Don't limit yourself to Facebook friends. They are notoriously cheap, or else they would be paying members on some REAL social network that gives points and prizes and stuff. Plus, you want this to go viral. BTW, I have been looking for your scholarship fund video on YouTube but don't see it there. I must be missing something.

Emily Alden Foster said...

What social network is that? A pyramid scheme?

I think my friends who aren't on facebook never answer emails or phone calls either, so there's not much hope of them donating.

I have to write a 15-page paper right now! I would love to make a scholarship fund video instead, but I don't have time at the moment.

Unknown said...

I donated because when I think of those cats having to look at a sad, credit-indebted (is that a word?)Emily, I really feel sorry for them. I mean, they shouldn't have to put up with a sour-puss when they could be chasing each other's tails (or is that dogs) or meowing or something. Save the cats people! Save the cats! Donate NOW before it's too late.