Saturday, April 24, 2010

Oh man, this movie.

Channing took a day off of work last week to edit the movie because he thought never working on it was having a negative impact on our relationship. Which is true, because I would get mad whenever he wanted to do anything besides edit my movie, which I realize is unreasonable. So I was just really trying not to nag him (not totally successfully) but I was getting really pissed about it. I'm naggy by nature, and keeping that bottled up is a challenge, but I don't want to be a terrible girlfriend, you know? Anyhow, there's still a lot to do but I feel that I am temporarily appeased because some progress was made. I will probably be mad again as soon as I see the next sentence about any movie that is complete.

We will probably have to reshoot this part, which is unfortunate because lollipops are disgusting. Zoom in and you will see why.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I'm sure some people will think that I'm making this more ugly, but I like it a lot more now.

Here is my old and improved jean jacket:

Now I will not feel like such a dummy when I wear this with jeans. I haven't decided if I should add more stuff to it or not. I'm going to wear it for a while and see how I feel about it.

I'm also working on a new zine. It involves a crossword and a bunch of stories. Right now I'm waiting patiently as my collaborators work on their story-parts, which should be finished pretty soon.

I haven't done any new projects in a while because I'm depressed that my movie's editor is too busy to edit my movie. I'm now officially trying to work on smaller projects to get my mind off of it.